Your Roots Your Way

Gifts for dad

Shop the Father’s Day gift guide, curated by Roots Dads. Finding the perfect gift has never been easier.


Shop the Father’s Day gift guide, curated by Roots Dads. Finding the perfect gift has never been easier.

Gifting Made Easy

“As an active dad, I need clothing that suits any occasion.”

Senior Director OF E-commerce and Digital Marketing

“My favourite style is the Renew Short Sleeve T-shirt. It has an amazing fit, lots of colour options, and is super comfortable.”

Father's Day Favourites

“I love pieces I can wear hiking and swimming, and just about anywhere in between.”

Senior Director of Design

“I'm living in our Outdoor Hybrid Nylon shorts. I love the fit and the map print, which was taken from our archives!”


E-Gift Cards

Present Dad with the gift of choice.

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Photo Tile
Photo Tile